Saturday, February 8, 2014

Today (8-feb-2014), For first time in my life, i lost/failed in my "personal security", More Info:-

Today (8-feb-2014), For first time in my life, i lost/failed in my "personal security", More Info:-
I was driving bike at Adyar, a 40+ male asked me for lift in road-side, i stopped & took him in bike, suddenly after moving, i realised he is mentally-ill person, he suddenly kept his hand in my reproductive organ, that was "heart-breaking moment" for me, i slowed down my bike, Asked him to get down & ran away - Lesson For me from this incident : "Logic will take u from A to B, but (human) imagination will take u everywhere - Einstein" - i consider this incident as worst-imagination of that stranger-human , Also, i believe everyone in world have some mental-illness from tiny to larger quantity atleast sometime in life, thats why i "always request" everyone to work together for "republic & personal security" for everyone in world as suggested by James Madison, Plz check my cartoon on this

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