Friday, August 29, 2014

Message on birthday of God Ganesha - Rule of God is primary way for World Peace

Dear All, 

"God's business" has been oldest-way & traditional-way to save/heal the world for many thousand yrs !

the no:1 problem in world is not natural-disasters or outer-space-universe killing lives (e.g earthquakes killing humans),

but earthlings killing other earthlings (e.g violence, wars), our ancestors/forefathers gave us rule-of-God to prevent these problems

the primary power has be to God with representation from all people in world (e.g united nations with membership from all nations in world), so that the private-individual-powers of mankind may not overtake god's power, such system of govt can prevent majority problems, Lets work for it with continous improvement

happy bday to god ganesha for continued 24/7 helpline service to world-peace

- Manoj thansi

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